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> Membership
> In Memoriam
> Charter
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Please send requests
for information about
the Association to
the Secretary.
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  1. The charter of the Association shall be, by maintaining cooperation with 9 RAR Associations nationally, to:
    1. foster fellowship and goodwill amongst former members of 9 RAR, their dependants and next-of-kin;
    2. actively seek out and unite previously unidentified former members of 9 RAR;
    3. ensure former members of 9 RAR, their dependents and next of kin are kept informed of upcoming events and issues which may be of interest to them
    4. maintain contact with and support when possible, the next of kin of members who died while serving with 9 RAR;
    5. commemorate the Battalion’s Birthday on or near 13th November each year and honour by name all who died on active service or while serving with 9 RAR;
    6. maintain association with relevant Battalions of The Royal Australian Regiment;
    7. maintain liaison with:
      1. Ninth Battalions Association Inc;
      2. the Returned Services League of Australia;
      3. The Royal Australian Regiment Association;
      4. any other organisation or association having similar aims and objectives as the Association, at the discretion of the Association’s Management Committee;
    8. organise re-unions and other social activities on behalf of the Association;
    9. promote the name and history of 9 RAR in the community, and to collect and preserve military and personal items of historical significance relating to 9 RAR and its members.


If you are a member and require a copy of the full Constitution please email your details to the Secretary who will email back a copy in a PDF format.

Communication Protocol

The Association’s communication protocol shall be:

Niner News

  • Continue to be mailed to 9 RAR Assoc. Qld financial members and listed groups.
  • Financial members to be given the option of receiving Niner News by email in PDF format.  At this stage, due to download limitations, it will not be placed on the website.   However, information on Association activities will be listed on the website.

Non Financial Members

  • The President writes to all non financial members in October each year, encouraging them to become financial members, and to draw their attention to 9 RAR Assoc. Qld website and the upcoming Battalion Birthday activities.
    At the same time he will ask if they wish to be included on the email list for News Updates.


  • An updated email list of financial and non financial members be maintained and, where members have agreed to receive News Updates via email, used to pass on advice of activities and news in between Niner News publications.

Website - www.9rarqld.org

  • Recognising that keeping an up to date and informative web site is a big commitment in time and funds, the Association will continue with the website and carry out upgrades.    This will be an important tool in spreading the word of 9 RAR Assoc. Qld to ex members of 9 RAR and to the community at large.
  • Association email mailboxes have been created and it is planned to make more use of interactive forms; these will be an important means of receiving more timely feedback and communication from members.

Other Websites

  • To avoid duplicating generally available information, refer members to other websites that contain relevant information on Government Initiatives such as RAR Association and DVA.